The Cuban woman deserves something better, who since I can remember, has spent an immense amount of work, to get adequate underwear, to be ready and comfortable every 28 days.

Sanitary napkins, tampons of poor quality to contain bleeding and most are even unaware of the use of menstrual cups. For years we have been backward, in terms of feminine clothing, from wearing a bra made of any scrap, panties without elastics and torn, to living the nightmare of using your children's diapers to face the period. Not to mention the precarious situation that the majority of the Cuban population suffers without water and those who have the privilege, receive the liquid of very poor quality.
Very few women on the island can maintain adequate hygiene, the lack of cleaning products and those that appear at excessively high prices, make the female context unhappy. Today I have seen on clotheslines in Havana, once again, the white cloths, with brown spots, just like the 1990s, where anything was used to place in intimate areas. Once again we suffer the abuse of a battered economy, where we have to go to the guts of disposable assholes, where we have to bite pillows to deal with pelvic pain, without having a pain reliever that mitigates the colic of this process, where we look at a bucket cloudy water that must be boiled and saved to last us all day. What for any woman can be routine and solvable, for Cuban women it becomes anguish, stress, fear, wondering if we will ever have the right to have a dignified menstruation.